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Humboldt Classics Senior Softball Association

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is the age requirement for a membership to the association?

A:  Prospective players for the 2018 season must be turning 58 year old during the calendar year in which they are playing.  However, only two prospective players who are under 60 years of age in 2018 are allowed on each team.

Q:  What are the health requirements to play in the association?

A:  Members are expected to enter the season in normal good health.


Q:  What is the age range of the players in the association?

A:  The players range in age from 58 to 80+ years old.


​Q:  How do I become a member of the association?

A:  Simply complete email on the Contact page with your information and interest.  New members sign a liability release form, pay the league fee (which varies depending upon sponsorship), and are assigned to a team. If you have a team you are interested in playing for please enter the team name or the manager's name if you know it.


Q:  Is it possible to form a new team and join the league?

A:  Yes.  If the group meets the age requirements, the group can petition the Board of Directors to join the Association as a team.  A team consists of a minimum of 14 eligible players.


Q:  How long is the softball season, when does it start, and how many games are played?

A:  The season starts in early May and runs through the end of August.  Each team plays approximately 25 games a season, with two games per week.  The games last approximately 90 minutes in length.


Q:  Can women join the Humboldt Classics Senior Softball Association?

A:  Yes.  Women are welcome and invited to join. 

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